Archives for June 2015

What Is at Stake in Adam?

HistoricalAdamWhat is at stake if the church rejects a literal understanding of the Genesis account of Adam? Tim Challies recently asked that question of my colleague Dr. William VanDoodewaard, author of The Quest for the Historical Adam.

Dr. VanDoodewaard replied, “The teaching of God’s Word is at stake here. God’s character is at stake. The gospel of Jesus Christ is at stake. Accepting an Adam with evolutionary origins immediately impacts what it means to be human, created by God in His image. It opens a Pandora’s box of theological problems—from Adam’s relationship with his animal parents and surrounding community, to the doctrine of sin and the fall, to God’s holiness, goodness, and justice. It immediately impacts the doctrine of Christ as the One by whom all things were created, as well as His incarnation and work of salvation. It’s an issue that touches so many others: from soteriology to race relations to sexual ethics to the new creation at the second coming.”

To read the rest of the interview, go here.

Dr. Beeke’s Travels II (Including Israel)

2000 Year Old Tree in the Garden of Gethsemane

2000 Year Old Tree in the Garden of Gethsemane

If you would like to read about my itinerant ministry in April and May, including many pictures from our tour of Israel, you may download Pastoral Letter #150.

Dr. Beeke’s Travels (Dec. 2014-Mar. 2015)

If you would like to read of my ministry travels from December of last year through March, including trips to Ethiopia and Colombia, you may download my Pastoral Letter #149.