Drawing from the melting snow atop Mt. Hermon, the Jordan River rushes from the Huleh (or Hula) Lake into the Sea of Galilee, and then meanders southward to the Dead Sea. Though not a large river, the Jordan figures prominently in many parts of Holy Scripture, especially in its lower regions. Often it is the location of a new beginning in the life of a nation or individual.
The people of Israel crossed the Jordan River on dry ground, for the Lord cut off the waters of the river, even at flood stage (Josh. 3). In this way, the Lord showed them that the God who had split the Red Sea was still with them as they entered the Promised Land—a major support for their faith as they went from wandering in the wilderness to the battle to take the land of their inheritance.
Six centuries later, the prophet Elisha told a Syrian leper that he must wash in the Jordan seven times, and the Lord would heal him (2 Kings 5:10). This offended Naaman at first, for though a leper he was a rich and powerful military commander. Didn’t Syria have better rivers? Yet by God’s grace, he humbled himself, and in the waters of the Jordan his flesh became like that of a little child again—a physical picture of being born again.
Over eight more centuries passed, and at the Jordan River we find John baptizing large number of Jews as they confess their sins and profess repentance towards God (Mark 1). John preached a new beginning to them too: the forgiveness of sins for who repent of sin and hope in the coming Messiah. Yet when Jesus Christ appeared on the shores of the river, He shocked John by seeking baptism Himself. Our new beginning depends upon Christ taking the place of sinners in order to fulfill all righteousness. As Jesus came up out of the water, God publically declared Him to be His beloved Son, and visibly anointed Him with the Holy Spirit, so that Christ would baptize His people in the same Spirit (Mark. 1:8–11).
Have you experienced the new beginning Christ can give by His Spirit? Have you been washed of your spiritual leprosy, and been born again as a child of God? If not, then let the waters of the Jordan remind you that Christ can wash your heart clean by the gift of saving faith. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, and be saved. If you have been washed by the Spirit, then give glory to God, for your new beginning would never have happened apart from Jesus Christ.