The first press run of 20,000 copies of the Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible has sold remarkably well. Our present stock is nearing depletion after only six months. We are very encouraged to hear from so many of you how useful you have found the Bible to be. The most common responses have been how grateful you are to finally have a KJV Study Bible whose notes are thoroughly Reformed and to have a Study Bible that provides helps for daily family worship. We are particularly encouraged by the families who have written to tell us that they have bought copies for everyone in their family and use it diligently in their daily family worship.
In the next few weeks, we hope to sign a contract for a second printing of 13,000 copies in a variety of editions. We anticipate that 2000 copies in this second printing will be an edition enlarged by 33% which will allow those of you who felt the first edition’s print size was too small to be able to read the Study Bible more easily. We are trusting that this will particularly assist the elderly. The second printing should be available by November; we will keep you posted as to the exact date of publication.
We also wish to thank those of you who read through the Study Bible already and sent in any typographical errors you found. Thankfully, they weren’t many considering that the material printed consists of well over a million words! These corrections have already been made on the electronic version (here) and will be incorporated in the second printing. Only two of them impinge on doctrinal issues and are worthy of mention here. First, the note for Romans 6:1–4 should read, “Justification is not the change of man’s moral nature, but every justified man is a changed man (Titus 3:4–7).” An editor in the outside firm that did the final proofing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakenly deleted the word not! She has written to us wishing to express her “deepest apologies for any confusion that this error has caused.” Happily, in the introduction to Romans as well as in several other places in the notes to Romans and throughout the Bible, we made abundantly clear that we strongly affirm justification by faith alone. Second, we regret that the wording in the note on Matthew 16:18 was not as clear as it should have been. Hence we have changed this to read as follows: “Peter means ‘a stone’; rock is a different word referring to bedrock (7:24–25). Christ, reflecting on Peter’s name, affirmed that the confession of Him by Peter and the other apostles is the bedrock on which He builds His church (Eph. 2:20; Rev. 21:14). Nothing here implies that Peter is the first in any apostolic or papal succession. True apostolic succession lies in the confession of the gospel through the ages.” We appreciate your alerting us to these things.
We regret that we have not been able to respond to all the encouraging letters, emails, and Facebook notes you have sent us in appreciation for the Study Bible. Please receive this blog as a personal token of gratitude, and continue to spread the word about this Study Bible. Pray with us that God may use this Bible to promote solid biblical, Reformed truth in a doctrinal, experiential, and practical way by the power of His Spirit to thousands of people throughout the world.
To purchase the Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible, go here.