Update on Trichelle

Here is an update on Trichelle Beeke’s treatments for cancer. Thanks for praying for my niece!

Hello Everyone,

We haven’t written an update in a while and know that some of you have asked how Trichelle is doing.   Thank you for your care in asking.

Trichelle continues to be receiving IV Herceptin treatments every 3 weeks and the treatments have been going very smoothly with no side effects.  She received a treatment last Monday and now only has 3 more Herceptin treatments left!

She has gained energy but has very little endurance, so she is following a strengthening program to build up her energy level.  She recently had a MUGA scan of her heart to see the effects of the Herceptin but we have not received the results of that yet.

In November, she is booked for some preventative surgery that medically speaking will reduce the odds of cancer appearing again.  Since her cancer cannot be traced or detected, we are called to trust the Lord that the treatments have done what they are designed to do.  We also want to take every precaution possible and this surgery is one of those precautions.

We continue to be thankful for the support we have received.  Please join us in thanking the Lord that Trichelle is doing as well as she is.

Attached is a picture of Trichelle and our kids taken last week.

Dave, Trichelle, Breyden, Quinten, and Emilee Beeke

Trichelle Beeke Fall 2014

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