Conference in Idaho (April 25–28)

Happy Church Family Geneva OPC

I flew on Friday morning to speak five times and do two Q&A’s for the New Geneva OPC Conference of the Family in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Idaho Falls is Mormon country. I sat next to Mormons on my last flight out and my first flight back and had long talks with both of them. I learned more about Mormonism than I ever knew before. It is remarkable how devoted these two Mormons were (one was an elder) to their set of beliefs that often blatantly contradict the Bible, but that really shouldn’t be surprising as both of them said they do not believe in the infallibility of Scripture. Both of them had an uncanny ability, too, at evading direct questions!

Rev. David and Debbie Bass

Rev. David and Debbie Bass

The local pastor, Rev. David Bass, spoke on Sunday schools and children in the worship services. I spoke on the biblical duties of husband and wives, the biblical duties of parents, how to bring your children to Christ, how to do family worship, and what my God-fearing parents taught me.

I very much enjoyed staying with my hosts, Peter and Bernie Nageta, as well as going to supper with the McNeeley family. I sat between their 9-year-old boy and 4-year-old girl who said some remarkably mature and cute things to me throughout the meal. I was also impressed with Roger and Andrea VanMiddendorp, and their nine children, ranging from 15 to 4. Large families who fear God and conscientiously bring up their children in a godly, scriptural way are so impressive.

Less than a hundred people attended the conference but they bought every single book of the five large boxes that RHB sent out, plus we had to back order many more. The average family bought close to $200 worth of books. These people are hungry. That is also evident from their church services, which often last two hours, notwithstanding that all the children remain in the service!

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