Update from Trichelle Beeke

Hi Everybody,

Just wanted to send a quick update to tell everyone how I am doing.

Radiation is going very well. It has gone by so fast. I drive myself every day and usually park by the close church that has free parking and then walk five minute to the hospital. It is a really nice time just to get out and walk to and from my appointments. I have some great babysitters who are willing to watch my younger two children for the hour and a half that it takes for me to drive and get my radiation.

The side effects of the radiation have been very few. I don’t feel overly tired and my skin is doing very well—just slightly pink.

So I will be finished with radiation on May 6. Then I will continue with my Herceptin treatments until December. I meet with my oncologist after my radiation is finished to discuss hormone therapy as well.

I (and the rest of my family) really appreciate all the prayers, cards, meals, and babysitting that we have received. The Lord has upheld us amazingly through this all and looking back, we feel as though the time has gone so fast.

Thank you all for thinking and praying for us.

Here is a little quote from our middle child Quinten who is obviously used to all this now. We drove to Abbotsford today with the kids and sister-in-law. We parked at the church to walk to the hospital because we were nice and early. We pulled into the church parking lot and Quinten says, “Which doctor office is this?”


Trichelle and family

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