I’m delighted to announce that two new books have arrived at Reformation Heritage Books.
First, there is James Garretson, An Able and Faithful Ministry: Samuel Miller and the Pastoral Office. Samuel Miller, Old School Presbyterian minister and Princeton Seminary’s unsung hero, was both an intellectual and experiential Christian, and a servant of Christ armed with both truth and power. Garretson’s fitting combination of biography and wise counsel allows Professor Miller to mentor us still today in a host of ways. He includes much material gleaned from manuscript archives and not before published. This fascinating volume was a delight to read; I devoured every word. Every pastor, elder, seminary professor, and seminary student should read this book, and return to it again and again for direction and encouragement.
Second, we have received Reformed Confessions of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries in English Translation, Volume 4, 1600–1695, ed. James Dennison. The volume includes statements from the Remonstrance and Synod of Dort, the Westminster Standards, and Particular Baptist confessions and catechisms. This now completes the four-volume set of Reformed confessions with historical introductions—a magnificent achievement. It is our hope that Dennison’s volumes will be for Reformed Christianity what Philip Schaff’s Creeds of Christendom was for the broader church. Every Reformed Christian, especially those called to teach and lead, should study this remarkable collection, for it witnesses powerfully to the rich development, harmony, and piety of the Reformed faith. May the Spirit bless these books so that they help the church to recover a robust and vital Reformed theology that informs minds, warms hearts, and moves hands to live exclusively for God’s glory.