Reformation Heritage Books now has available its newly published book, Heart to Heart: Octavius Winslow’s Experimental Preaching, by Tanner G. Turley. Winslow, who served for nearly forty-five years as a pastor, was a model of applying doctrine to experience and life. This book surveys Winslow’s life and approach to preaching, particularly highlighting the Christ-centered focus of his sermons and his use of various methods to bring the truth home to the heart. The book is a beautiful combination of biography and instruction on preaching, and I am excited that RHB has published it. May God use Turley’s book to give the church preachers who take the Word of Christ into the depths of their own hearts, and then send it out into the hearts of their hearers in the power of the Spirit.
Heart to Heart Preaching
March 18, 2014 By