My husband and I were invited to the annual World Missions Conference (March 21–23, 2014) of Midway Presbyterian Church near Atlanta. Pastor David Hall and his wife Ann are precious friends of ours. Their infectious friendliness to all sets the tone in the church. The other pastors, Marc Harrington, Joel Smit, and Ben Thomas, along with their wives make up a cohesive team that cares for the church in every way. Various missionaries from far and near, who are supported by the church, reported on their work. We heard about local campus ministry, Bible translation in Africa, and evangelism in Central America and across five continents. The local presbytery also supports Reformation Hope in Haiti, under the direction of Jean Paul, a Haitian-born U.S. citizen. Progress has been made in church planting, training leaders in Reformed doctrine, education, and small business development. They hope to open a medical clinic this year.
My husband spoke four times: Evangelizing Today, Evangelizing the Covenant Seed, The Best Evangelist, and The Age of the Spirit and Revival. The highlight was the Sunday morning sermon about Jesus Christ, the best evangelist, the approachable Christ. Where would we be without a Savior who receives sinners and eats with them, who listens to our troubles, who touches unclean lepers, who searches for the one lost sheep, and who rejoices over one penitent sinner? Several listeners who are going through heavy trials shared how they were greatly encouraged to continue on in God’s strength because of our approachable Savior who cares so much.
We also met with the young married couples for a Saturday brunch. My husband and I led an informal discussion on what we have learned from our experience and others’ about marriage and child-rearing. This and the whole conference was a very rewarding time. I am so privileged to have a husband who is so energetic and intent on sharing the gospel and the truths of Scripture in many places.