Archives for February 14, 2014

Last Opportunity for Discount

logo_logos_5For those who are interested, this is the last opportunity to get the Logos edition of The Select Works of Joel Beeke (26 vols.) for the discounted pre-release price of $239.95. I am told that sometime today the Select Works will go live, and then the regular price will go up to $315.95 (the print books are $450).

February 9–11, 2014: Belfast and Erne West, Northern Ireland

Julian and Hazel Orr and Their Two Youngest Children

Julian and Hazel Orr and Their Two Youngest Children

The conclusion of my trip to Northern Ireland was enjoyable. After church on Sunday, February 9, we overnighted with a delightful family, Julian and Hazel Orr, and their six children. Julian is a kitchen cabinet maker and has his shop on his home property in a beautiful area of Northern Ireland. Both he and his wife shared the stories of their conversions with us.

John and Pearl Gowan, Joan and Andrew Woolsey

John and Pearl Gowan, Joan and Andrew Woolsey

On Monday morning, Mary and I took a walk in a large field behind the Orr home. Andrew Lucas then drove us to Erne West to enjoy the fellowship of John and Pearl Gowan—a place I never fail to visit when I come to Northern Ireland, due, no doubt, in part to the fact that Gowan’s bookshop (adjacent to his home) is one of the very best in the world for obtaining antiquarian Puritan books!

Some of Gowan's Antiquarian Books

Some of Gowan’s Antiquarian Books

After perusing the books for several hours, I preached from Philippians 1:21 for Rev. John McGee and brother Gowan that evening. Afterwards, I went back out to the bookstore and settled accounts with brother Gowan by midnight. In all, I found about half a dozen excellent antiquarian books for the Puritan Resource Center (which I took home with me in the suitcase), and one small box of more recent titles (which will be mailed). It was a thoroughly enjoyable time.


Flying Home with My Wife--What a Gift of God She Is!

Flying Home with My Wife–What a Gift of God She Is!

After overnighting with the Gowans and enjoying more fellowship with them and the Woolseys, Andrew and Joan drove us on Tuesday to the Dublin airport and we made the long trek home by late evening. Once again, we are most grateful to our faithful, covenant-keeping God for watching over with His kind hand of providence and benedictions. Thanks, too, dear friends, to all of you who prayed our way through this trip. Every blessing to you and yours in Christ Jesus.