Update from Trichelle Beeke

Here is another update from my niece, Trichelle, regarding her cancer treatment.

Hi Everybody,

So today was the middle point in this second round of chemo. Due to the reactions that have occurred during the first five treatments, they changed the protocol slightly today. They reduced the Benadryl to an oral form and upped the amount of steroids that they gave. That seemed to help quite a bit with the funny feeling I get from the Benadryl. And the Taxol didn’t change my reaction at all either. So that was a great blessing and hopefully things stay that way.  I only have six more chemo rounds of this Taxol and then it will be on to radiation.

Thanks again for the support and ongoing meals. We really appreciate all the help we have been receiving in various forms.

Thanks to Sister Amy for filling in for teaching for Dave when needed.

“The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord” (Lam. 3:25–26).


Trichelle & Dave

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