Approximately 150 ministers and many of their wives gathered in Pretoria at a beautiful venue populated by blue cranes for a 3-day conference. Two sons of Dr. Martin Holdt, David and Jonathon (the latter of whom is completing a Th.M. degree at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary), have taken over its leadership, and did a superb job. Dr. Andy McIntosh from England gave four powerful and passionate addresses on issues related to creation: What’s the Issue?; Reconnecting the Gospel to a Godless Culture; The Flood, Babel, and the Nations; Creation or Evolution: Looking at the Evidence.
I spoke on Authentic Ministry: Humble Servanthood, Tears, and Temptations; Heart Ministry: Preaching Application; Pastoral Ministry: Pastoring to the Dying and the Mourning; Wrestling Ministry: “Taking Hold” of Yourself and God in Prayer. Andy and I also did two Q/A sessions. Augustine Book Room had a great table of books on display.
We also heard a testimony of a brother and his wife who are working in a heavily persecuted country, which I am not allowed to name. One of their closest missionary friends in that country was recently murdered, which made news all over the world, including America. They are still grieving over this loss. Please offer a prayer for them that God will keep them safe and allow them to witness a breakthrough in their labors among the Muslims.
Lots of time was given for fellowship. I spoke at length with two men who are potential students for PRTS (one is already applying). I also had a memorable conversation with a brother who is authoring a biography on Dr. Holdt. He took diligent notes as I related my past experiences with this dear brother, including the fact that we always called each other “Gabba”—an African term of endearment which means that you are closer than a blood brother!