Feeling Older Today

Lydia's 18th Birthday Cropped

I’m just back from taking my youngest daughter, sweet and beautiful Lydia, out to breakfast on her eighteenth birthday. It was a great time, but I feel a lot older today—can scarcely believe that my youngest is now an adult! Where has all the time gone? How critical it is to redeem the time, to live every minute to the full, to live wholly for Christ each hour of each day! Help me to do that, dear Lord, looking to Jesus.


  1. John Van Voorhis

    AMEN! But think how you will feel when you get to be an octogenarian, as I am (plus one).

    But how keenly I agree with your statement: “How critical it is to redeem the time…”

  2. Leandro

    Yes,you´re right my brother! We should live every moment loving the Lord Jesus and giving glory to His holy name, because the time is very precious.May the Lord of heaven and earth help us to do it, cause without Him we can do nothing.

  3. Mike

    My son is about to turn 16 so I understand your situation! And as for myself the older I get the more I long for 2 Tim 4:7 to be true of myself as well as for Paul.

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