The 16-hour flight from Johannesburg to Atlanta—the longest commercial flight in the world, went well. I spoke for three hours with a young Jewish man—the third Jew on this trip!—who was returning home from his honeymoon. He said that he believed strongly in the God of the Old Testament, but is still waiting for the Messiah. I talked to him about Isaiah 53, but he had no recall of that chapter. His rabbi speaks mostly from the Pentateuch (the first five books of Moses). This young man himself has never read the entire Old Testament. We also spent considerable time talking about creation and Genesis 1-3. He is a theistic evolutionist. I happened to have with me a 30-page booklet I had purchased in South Africa, titled, 15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History, which my traveling companion promptly read in its entirety. Though he wasn’t fully persuaded himself, he did acknowledge that the authors had made some good points. He said, “Their arguments are quite similar to my rabbi’s, who also believes in a young earth and rejects evolution.”
I landed in Grand Rapids well in time to participate in the beautiful wedding and reception of Jason Fintelman and Hannah Kamp (my niece). Between the wedding and the reception, my wife and I visited three dear friends in the hospital. I was exhausted by the time we returned home late on Friday evening. Thanks for praying my way through this South African itinerary. Your prayers mean more to me than you know.