I preached for Pastor Jason Labuschagne in Plumstead Baptist Church on Sunday morning from John 18 on Gethsemane’s King-Lamb. The 150 people were unusually attentive, I thought, which gave me more freedom than usual. Many were quietly taking notes. What a joy it is to preach to a small church that is drinking in the Word!
In the afternoon, my host family provided a great meal for the McIntoshes and several couples from Goodwood Baptist Church, including the new pastor and his wife (he hopes to preach next week and be installed in two weeks). Fellowship was excellent. We went around the table and shared what we thought were important biblical qualities for effective leadership in the church and for effective marriages. The overlap between these qualities in both areas was quite surprising and nearly complete. Collectively, iron sharpened iron as a considerable amount of life experience surfaced in the responses. Major qualities that surfaced included humility, servanthood, spiritual and moral integrity, consistency, kindness, good communication, developing great friendship, being examples, understanding how men and women think differently, etc.
In the evening I preached in Goodwood Baptist Church to a large crowd, as several other churches joined this flock for their evening service. They do this each year in January for one evening service so that churches in the area can hear one of the international speakers for the Grace Ministers’ Conference.
After the evening service, I had a good talk with two daughters and their husbands of the Pieterse family—a family I’ve known for many years. It’s hard for me to believe that their two youngest daughters are now married, and that one of them already has two children. Then I spoke with two young men, one of whom is deeply involved in jail ministry and would like to attend PRTS but is grappling with how to do that since he has three young children. After that I spoke at length with three ministers, one of whom wants to study at PRTS.
Monday through Wednesday is the second and final portion of the Grace Ministers’ Conference.