Ontario Trip for the Seminary

I’m just back from a wonderful week in Ontario, Canada, accompanied by my brother Jim. I preached three times, and we did a seminary presentation for two churches, and visited about 100 people in 35 homes to share with them news about our seminary and its alumni serving in 25 countries. We enjoyed much spiritual fellowship, and are humbled by the support for the seminary and its worldwide vision.

With Tori

Here I am with my niece Victoria (Tori) on my lap, and her mother. Tori is doing incredibly well. Thanks again for all your prayers.


  1. John Van Voorhis

    I enjoy all your e-mails. Just finished The Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit. A magnificent book! I think it belongs on my all-time top five! Listened to one of your sermons recently where you spoke of the obligations Christians once felt to have large families. My 10th generation Dutch ancestor, who arrived in New York Harbor in 1660, had 8 children and ended up with 72 grandchildren! This is not a wild guess; it is verified by our family genealogist. John Van Voorhis

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