Archives for December 18, 2013

Genesis Meditation #8

Bethany Cole created small

The creation of man in Genesis 1:26 is markedly different compared to everything God has previously done. Until this point, God has simply been issuing commands to create. Now He allows us to overhear the sacred conversation between His own triune persons regarding the creation of man.

The Lord God is doing something very special here. Francis Schaeffer, in Genesis in Space and Time, says, “It is as though God put exclamation points here to indicate that there is something special about the creation of man.”

The Lord created us in such a wondrous, solemn way for several reasons:

● Because we alone were to bear God’s image (Gen. 1:26);

● Because we alone were to be God’s deputies, His vice-regents, on earth                          (Gen. 1:28);

● Because we alone were given immortal souls (Gen. 2:7); and

● Because the Son of God was to appear in our nature (Isa. 7:14).

The creation of mankind has important ramifications for two issues commonly raised today. First, some people wrongly assert that Genesis 1 and 2 represent contradictory accounts of creation. The two accounts are complementary, not contradictory. Genesis 1 deals with man in his cosmic setting, that is, against the whole background of creation; Genesis 2 puts man at the center of creation, showing us that the focus is on man as the pinnacle of God’s creative work. Genesis 2 is simply a more detailed, complementary account of God’s creation of man, setting before us in an orderly way a progressive focus on man in God’s world.

Second, the special creation of mankind stresses that Adam and Eve were real people, not just mythical beings. You and I belong to a different order from everything that God had previously created. The New Testament decisively speaks of Adam and Eve as historical individuals. For example, Romans 5:12 says, “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” Paul here parallels the two Adams: the actual Adam, through whom sin entered the world, and a second Adam, Christ Jesus, through whom salvation came to us. Paul maintains the historicity of both Adam and Jesus.

Ontario Trip for the Seminary

I’m just back from a wonderful week in Ontario, Canada, accompanied by my brother Jim. I preached three times, and we did a seminary presentation for two churches, and visited about 100 people in 35 homes to share with them news about our seminary and its alumni serving in 25 countries. We enjoyed much spiritual fellowship, and are humbled by the support for the seminary and its worldwide vision.

With Tori

Here I am with my niece Victoria (Tori) on my lap, and her mother. Tori is doing incredibly well. Thanks again for all your prayers.

Update from Trichelle Beeke

Here is some news from my niece, as she goes through chemotherapy.

Thanks for my Beeke cousins for my new chemo shirt!

Thanks to my Beeke cousins for my new chemo shirt!

Yesterday was the second week of the twelve weeks of Taxol. I was looking up against this round because of what had happened last time. However I felt quite peaceful going into chemo.

Thankfully and praise to God, the treatment went well and I didn’t have any reactions. They could give me the full dosage and the treatment could continue on as normal.

Here are some prayer requests:

–          That my blood counts will continue to rise so I may receive full doses of weekly Taxol.

–          That I won’t have such a strange reaction from the Benadryl.

–          That I (and my family) will be kept free from flu/fever/colds especially in this coming winter season.

–          Thanksgiving that I feel “pretty” good after these chemo rounds and don’t have many side effects.

God has been very good to us during this whole trial. We feel very upheld by Him and are encouraged greatly by all the promises we read in His Word. God promises never to leave us or forsake us. He will always be by our side. He will comfort us and strengthen us when we need it. We are very grateful to God for all of you who help us, encourage us with notes and cards, brings meals, or send baking home with Breyden or Dave, for babysitting our children, but most of all for all the prayers that you lift up on our behalf.


Trichelle, Dave, Breyden, Quinten, and Emilee