Archives for October 16, 2013

Genesis Meditation #1

Bethany Cole dianthas small

With this blog I begin a series of meditations on the book of Genesis, chapters 1–3. These chapters are the foundation of the whole Bible, and indeed the foundation of Christianity. May the Lord bless these meditations to your soul for His glory in your life. [Thanks to Bethany Cole for the lovely photography.]

The Greek word “genesis” means origin or beginning—an appropriate term because Genesis traces history from the very beginning of time. All great biblical themes begin here. The truths about God, the world, the creation of man in God’s image, the Sabbath, marriage, the devices of Satan, man’s fall into sin, judgment, election, salvation, justification by faith, Christ and His priesthood, prayer, God’s covenant people, and blessing and cursing are all grounded in Genesis. Man’s complete ruin in sin and God’s perfect remedy in Christ are strikingly presented.

Meditate on this amazing book packed with ancient truth that is still relevant today. Can you think of other major truths that Genesis shows us?

The structure of Genesis clearly shows it is a book of origins. Genesis includes eleven distinct sections, each starting with the word “beginning” or “generations.” The opening words of each section are usually something like: “These are the generations” or “The book of the generations”. These sections include the history of creation (1:1–2:3), heaven and earth (2:4–4:26), Adam (5:1–6:8), Noah (6:9–9:29), Noah’s sons (10:1–11:9), Shem (11:10–26), Terah and Abraham (11:27–25:11), Ishmael (25:12–18), Isaac and his sons (25:19–35:29), Esau (36:1–37:1), and Jacob and Joseph (37:2–50:26).

Genesis takes us through various stages of history to trace God’s design of redemption through the line of His chosen people. Chapters 1–11 provide us with a wide-angle view of the history of mankind, while chapters 12–50 offer a more telescopic view of the history of God’s chosen people in Abraham and his family.

Without Genesis, the Bible would be seriously impoverished, for Genesis covers at least one-third of human history. Ultimately, it is God’s story—His-story. In Genesis we find special revelation in three-dimensional color and profound doctrinal, practical, and experiential truth, all directing us to Jesus Christ, the Savior of sinners.

Today thank God for His Word, and particularly for the book of Genesis.