New Book from Dr. Jerry Bilkes

Have ever reached into the pocket of an old set of clothes and discovered a wad of money? Maybe those pants hung in the back of the closet, neglected for months, and suddenly you are thanking God for a boost to your cash flow. That’s the way I feel about a new book from my colleague, Dr. Jerry Bilkes. He has taken something old and neglected, and shown us how it is full of profit.

Memoirs of the Way HomeMemoirs of the Way Home is a book about Ezra and Nehemiah, but it is far from the obscure and technical commentaries we sometimes associate with the study of the Old Testament. While Jerry walks the reader through these biblical books text by text, he helps us to see that we are not just studying ancient history, but learning how God lovingly calls people to come back to Him, even when they have wandered far, and helps them to rebuild their lives. Each one of Jerry’s short chapters brings us handfuls of spiritual insights and personal applications. The book also comes with study questions well-suited for small groups, Sunday School classes, or family worship. I heartily recommend it to you!

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