Construction at the Seminary

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

PRTS is a beehive of activity these days. PRTS Construction PavingStudents are back on campus; classes are going in full swing. Our new seminary parking lot was paved on Thursday, and the new addition (about 20,000 square feet) has commenced. Pray that will supply the donations and funding needed, and bless faculty and students alike. As you might imagine, this is placing a strain on our funds.

If you have a love for Reformed, experiential piety, please consider partnering with us today. We need to raise $150,000 by the end of the month for our operations fund. Your gift of any size is greatly appreciated, and will be doubled by a matching gift.

To donate online or for more information simply visit us at

Thank you for prayerfully considering our request.

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