Archives for September 18, 2013

Update on Trichelle

Trichell Beeke 2On July 26 I posted a prayer request for my niece after it was discovered that she has cancer. Here is an update.

Yesterday Trichelle started chemotherapy. She felt fine while the chemo was going in and shortly after. By supper time she had a headache and soon after lost her energy and felt nauseous.

She took the medicine provided and it sure seemed to help as the nauseous feelings remained but did not get worse. She didn’t feel like eating, had a headache, was tired, but that was about all.

Last night she did get some good stretches of off-and-on sleep too! Today she continues to improve.  She is tired, but that is all.

We are so thankful for this obvious answer to prayer as the predictions from the medical staff were quite different!  With Trichelle being young, the predictions were that the chemo drugs would make her very sick for the first week or so.

Thanks much to those who are praying. Your prayers are being answered!

Dave & Trichelle