Update on Trichelle Beeke

On July 26 I posted a prayer request for my niece and her husband. Here is another update from them.

Dear Church Family and Friends,

On Saturday we had an important meeting with our surgeon. The results were mixed. Here is an update.

We were disappointed to hear that the Lumpectomy did not have cancer-free margins, so another surgery (mastectomy) is booked for Tuesday, August 20. The lymph nodes were removed and 9 of the 17 were cancerous, which is not an encouraging sign.

The bone, liver, and lung scans do not show any ‘hotspots’ which was very encouraging to hear. Our surgeon cautioned us to ensure that we understood that the cancer is on the move through the body, but it has not established enough in those areas to be detected. We regard this as an answer to prayer, as we were both concerned about the results of those scans.

So for now, we are both healing from our surgeries and preparing for Trichelle’s next surgery Tuesday.

Thanks so much for all the love and concern shown to us, especially for your prayers on our behalf.

Dave & Trichelle Beeke


  1. Dearest brother, did you watch the videos I sent and did you pass them on to your son? I grieve to hear the news and I grieve to hear of what the surgeons plan to do. O for a second and third and fourth opinion!

    I must tell you that there is other ways to fighting this without the typical cancer treatments. And it is far less evasive and far more effective.

    I can not in good conscience let your prayer notes pass without mentioning what I know. But, until I am asked, I will not bark anymore about this.

    I love your book on Puritan Theology for I am studying in the DD program with TNARS.

    Thanks for at least praying about a second and third opinion.

    May the joy of the Lord be your strength as you grieve for your son and daughter.

    with love,

    Steve Loeffler

  2. Jean-Christophe

    Dear Dr. Beeke,
    I’ll keep your niece and your family in my prayer.
    May the Lord guards you all.

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