Update on Trichelle

On July 26 I posted a prayer request for my niece and her husband. Here is another update from them.

Trichelle continues to heal from her surgery Tuesday.  We are thankful that she is healing quickly.  She even went the following day for a MUGA scan where they scanned her heart for monitoring purposes during chemotherapy.

Today we had a meeting with our oncologist. Our oncologist was surprised at how quickly Trichelle is healing from surgery. The tentative treatment plan is to give a few weeks’ time for Trichelle to heal from her surgery and then begin chemo treatments. Chemo treatments are penciled in to begin the week of September 16.

These plans are subject to the pathology report.  We meet our surgeon this coming Wednesday to discuss the results of the mastectomy and we are praying for cancer-free margins.

We are thankful for many who are praying for Trichelle.

We are also thankful for the excellent medical care we have had so far on this journey. Looking back at the recent past, Trichelle has had two surgeries, many mammograms and ultrasounds, a bone scan, a liver scan, lung scan, heart scan, and many other miscellaneous meetings and appointments. The care, concern, and professionalism of all the medical people has been amazing. When I ended up in surgery the day before Trichelle, the hospital staff seemed to go out of their way to ensure the two of us had a private “double occupancy suite” during our five-day hospital stay.  In hindsight (although I admit to being frustrated at the time), it was a special time to be together, bed-by-bed, hobbling around with our matching IV poles.

Thanks again for your prayers, cards, meals, visits, babysitting, and general care shown to us.

Dave & Trichelle

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