Pray for David and Trichelle Beeke

David and Trichelle Beeke

David and Trichelle Beeke

Please remember in prayer my 28-year-old niece, Trichelle Beeke, together with her husband David, and their children: Breyden (6), Quinten (3), and Emilee (1), as well as their parents. Trichelle was diagnosed with cancer last week and is undergoing a flurry of tests. Here is an update from David’s parents:

Dear Family and Friends,

Trichelle had her detailed mammogram this morning and she and Dave met with the surgeon this afternoon.  They were thankful for the surgeon’s experience, communication skills and patience.  The surgeon spent an hour and a half with them explaining test results and options. The cancer is ductal invasive carcinoma.

Lumpectomy surgery is scheduled for next week Friday, August 2, the Lord willing.  The lump and its marginal zones will be removed as well as a number of lymph nodes.  These will be sent to the lab for detailed analysis.  The results are critical.  If the marginal areas indicate any traces of cancer, then further surgery will be required. If several lymph nodes are infected, this would not be a good sign.   If no further surgery is required, after some days of recuperation, Trichelle will commence treatments.  The nature of her treatments will be determined in consultation with her oncologist, after the lab results are known.

Please pray that Trichelle’s surgery may go well and that the results would be positive, indicating that the cancer has not spread further.  We covet your prayers and look to our gracious Lord and Saviour.  We plead for His compassionate heart and healing hands.

Thank you for your concern, love and prayer,

Jim & Ruth


  1. Our hearts and prayers are with you. Trusting in God’s grace and strength for you all. I’m terribly sorry to hear the news.

  2. Patricia Glerum

    We will indeed be in prayer

    Patricia & Thomas Glerum

    • C Kingsley

      We are praying for this precious family.

      The Kingsley’s in North Carolina

    • Annie Slingerland

      We will most certainly remember them in our prayers. Praying that the surgery may be successful and that the test results may be positive, and that no further surgery will be required.

      Adam & Annie Slingerland

  3. Fabio Souza Diniz

    Me and my family, we will be praying for them.

    Fabio, Débora e Sofia

  4. We certainly will pray!
    Our daughter has had cancer twice, and is free of it now!
    Remember, cancer is a bully, and fear is it’s engine! Keep you focus on our loving Father in worship and praise, believe Him, and follow His steps as He lights the way!
    And He will keep your hearts calm, much to the dismay of the enemy!!
    Glory to God

  5. Amy

    Praying for Trichelle and David and their whole family. Nine years ago we walked this valley, too. May the Lord continually prove His great faithfulness and care in their lives.
    Amy & Sean Nemecek

  6. Mike Norquist

    Father, thank you for this one who can face this tremendous trial knowing that she is in the center of Your will. Hear the prayers of family and friends who plead with You for her healing. Fill her and her husband and children with Your Word, your Spirit and the peace that passes understanding. We thank You in advance for the outcome, whatever it may be. And may You, and You alone, receive all the glory. Amen.

  7. Shannon

    Praying for complete healing! Also for peace, strength, wisdom for the family! God is able!

  8. Melanie Neels/Brunia

    You are in our thoughts and prayers!
    Frank Melanie

  9. We are passing in a similar proof of you, brothers. We are feeling the same feelings of need, righteousness and mercy. I promise to be in praying and fast, for your health and that this proof make all that Lord wants in us. God keeping blessing you.

  10. Tina Van Vliet

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this trying time. We wish you strength and God’s continuing care in all things that are to come to pass.


  1. […] kind providence. It is a bittersweet time for them, as their daughter, Trichelle (about whom I wrote a few days ago), is awaiting surgery on Thursday. It was a blessing to be able to pray and visit with […]

  2. […] July 26 I posted a prayer request for my niece and her husband. Here is an […]

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