Archives for June 26, 2013

United Reformed Churches Ministers’ Conference

URC Ministers Conference

Monday afternoon I drove down to the URC Ministers’ Conference being held at Mid America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana with Pastor Bill Boekestein. Bill is a PRTS alumni, URC minister, great friend, and soon-to-be coauthor with me—we just did a book together on Christ’s incarnation. I was able to give him a surprise final edited version on the way down. We covered at least a few dozen subjects in the four hours we were together.

I gave the opening address to 40 to 50 ministers on “Maintaining Pastoral Vitality in Long-term Ministry.” I showed the disadvantages of short-term ministry, presented several arguments for long-term ministry, and then provided eight major helps for maintaining vitality for generational ministry:

  • love God, your people, and the ministry;
  • maintain a vibrant devotional life;
  • model godliness as a husband and father;
  • be a faithful Christ-focused preacher;
  • develop a personal growth plan;
  • be a compassionate, faithful pastor;
  • handle criticism well;
  • exercise wise leadership.

Since many ministers tend to serve five or six years in a pastorate and then move on, there were lots of questions afterward. Book buying was brisk, too. Unfortunately, I had to return home that same night to prepare for leaving for Brazil on Wednesday. I made it back safely but regret that I couldn’t stay to hear Dr. Murray, Dr. Pipa, and some other speakers the following day.