Prepared by Grace, for Grace

Prepared by Grace, for GraceLast week, Reformation Heritage Books came out with Prepared by Grace, for Grace: The Puritans on God’s Ordinary Way of Leading Sinners to Christ, co-authored by Paul Smalley and me, with a foreword by Sinclair Ferguson. In this book we are showing the Puritan emphasis on how God ordinarily uses conviction of sin to lead sinners to Christ.

Implicitly, the Puritans help us challenge the status quo of contemporary evangelicalism, which for the most part, tragically embraces a shallow form of easy-believism that does not result in genuine conversion.

I am convinced that many who have written on this subject did not understand the Puritans here. We aim to set the record straight. Pray with us that God will use this book mightily in our day when preaching often confuses the relationship between law and gospel.

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