Pray for the Suffering in Moore, Oklahoma

On Monday, a good friend from Moore, Oklahoma, wrote about her family’s harrowing experience of surviving through the F5 tornado that ripped its way through their town. Today I corresponded with her again, telling her that our staff was praying for her and the people of Moore, Oklahoma. She responded as follows (and subsequently gave me permission to post this):

Thank you so much for praying! That means a lot to me. Our family is well, but I know personally of three families who are really suffering. Two families from church lost their homes completely, and a co-worker of my father’s lost his granddaughter in the Plaza Towers Elementary School. It is overwhelming to keep hearing all of the stories of suffering, all people who live close to where I grew up. Our church is just yards away from the devastation, and we have a 24/7 supply distribution set up. Tonight some of us are going down there to help, so pray for our strength.

We feel very blessed, because we were seriously looking for a house in that area about a year ago hoping to be closer to our church. God shut the door very tightly, and now we know why. We used to live in that area and actually had a tornado come through our neighborhood. God was so merciful… we were right in its path, when suddenly it lifted, passed over our housing edition, and touched down again. The sound is so frightening… like a freight train. It breaks our hearts to hear about all the little kids who went through this! I know how scared my siblings were when we went through it, but at least we were all together. These little ones were away from their parents! The area that was hit was a poor part of town. Many Habitat for Humanity homes were destroyed.

Please pray for the suffering in Moore , Oklahoma, especially those who have lost precious children.

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