Ever since I heard some fifteen years ago that the average African pastor has only about a dozen books in his library, I have felt burdened to make an important part of Reformation Heritage Book’s non-profit status be connected to distributing sound Reformed books through reliable ministries to these pastors. Their joy in receiving such books is often amazing; the potential usefulness of such books is incalculable. This week, one of our PRTS graduates, Rev. Brian Kamwendo, who is serving as a theological teacher in Malawi, sent me this picture of his theological students at Josophat Mwale Theological Institute (an official seminary for the CCAP Nkhoma Synod) receiving Living for God’s Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism. If you share this burden and would care to donate to this cause of distributing Reformed literature to African pastors and theological students, please send your donation to Reformation Heritage Books, 2965 Leonard N.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525 (for more information, call RHB’s manager, Steve Renkema, 616-977-0599, x 125).
Books for Theological Students and Pastors in Africa
May 20, 2013 By