At the request of the conference organizers, I am pleased to bring to your attention an upcoming event in Indianapolis, called the Reforming Families Conference (RFC), which will be held August 13–16. This conference is sponsored by my friends at the Free Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis. I will be speaking there along with David Murray, Geoff Banister, David McClelland, and Brad Baugham.
I am encouraged by the RFC’s overarching emphasis of semper reformans, semper reformanda— “always reformed, always reforming.” Speaking topics this year will include: Christ Our Bridegroom, Recognizing Our God-Glorifying Roles, Understanding Headship and Submission, Getting Along in the Family of God, Preventing Authority Abuse & Conflict, Covenantal Foundations for Parenting, Godly Living, Using Technology Effectively in the Family, Bringing Children to Christ, and Living In the Power of Gratitude.
In a day where there are increased attacks and pressures upon the home, this conference provides not only great topics for building up families in Christ, but also provides a unique venue for building friendships and potentially life-long relationships with like-minded people.
I hope you’ll consider attending this conference and bringing your family. You can find out more by going here or by emailing the conference director, Ryan Elliott.
In the meantime, here is a video blog from my colleague, David Murray, regarding this conference.