Archives for April 15, 2013

Chilliwack, BC

Mountains of Chilliwack, British Colombia

My wife and I overnighted on the plane from Hawaii to Seattle. From there, she continued home to Michigan, and I went on to beautiful Chilliwack, British Columbia, arriving in time on Wednesday morning to attend our annual denominational meetings, which began with an office-bearers’ conference. Rev. Danny Hyde spoke to us helpfully on church planting, and a great discussion followed. That evening Rev. David Lipsy preached a practical synodical prayer sermon on not growing weary.

On Thursday morning, our Theological Seminary Committee met for a few hours with about twenty ministers and elders in attendance. Synod 2013 then convened for several hours, after which the ministers and elders fellowshipped for a few hours at the home of Rev. and Mrs. James Greendyk. Our discussion this year was focused primarily on how to pastor parents who experience the heavy loss of children dying in the womb or in infancy and on pastoring individuals who express suicidal thoughts or family members who experience the trauma of a dear one committing suicide. Please pray that ministers would have wisdom for serving dear people in such painful situations.