I’m back safely from ministering in Greenville, South Carolina, for several days, where I spoke three times, did some interviews, purchased the bulk of a large library, reconnected with old friends and met new ones, and enjoyed the Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary conference which focused on the doctrine of man.
Conference subjects and speakers included: Supernatural Creation of Man (Richard Belcher), The Covenant of Works (Guy Waters), Death Before the Fall (Matthew Holst), Boston’s Fourfold State (William VanDoodewaard), Man, The Image of God, and The Cultural Mandate and the Great Commission (Nelson Kloosterman), Original Sin and Depravity (Joey Pipa), Questioning the Philosophy of Science Used to Question the Bible’s Doctrine of Man (Gabriel Fluhrer), and The Temptation and the Fall (myself). Book sales were unusually good for a conference of 350.
Today I am preparing for the Philadelphia Conference of Reformed Theology (PCRT) which begins this evening in the First CRC of Byron Center, Michigan. Providentially, the theme is very similar to Greenville’s conference: “In the Beginning: God, Adam, and You.” Other speakers include Kevin DeYoung, Jon Payne, Richard Phillips, and Derek Thomas. I am scheduled to speak three times tomorrow: The Case for Adam, The Puritans on Adam and the Covenant of Works, and Christ the Second Adam. All three are new addresses, so I covet your prayers.
The picture of the library made me smile, Dr. Beeke.. Adding that many books to my collection would just thrill me… books are my weakness! What do you plan to do with them all? Are you going to republish some? My prayers will be with you tomorrow.
Your fellow servant in Christ,
It was good to have you at our conferene, there were many positive comments about your session.
Looks like I can see many Spurgeon Sermons books. Did you obtain any book from the Puritans?