Archives for March 27, 2013

Reformation Indy Conference, Indianapolis (March 22–24, 2013)

Pastor Whitla and His Sons

Pastor Whitla and His Sons

My daughter Esther and I drove to Indianapolis on Friday to serve the RPCNA church pastored by Gordon Keddie and David Whitla. My task was to speak five times on Spiritual Warfare for their annual conference called Reformation Indy: Fighting Against Indwelling Sin, Fighting Against Satan, Fighting Against Worldliness, Enduring in the Battle to the End, and Heaven: No More War!

I also did two Q and A sessions—one for the conference and one for a group of young people on Saturday evening. The questions were perceptive and almost all of them were related to the addresses. I felt blessed being with these pastors and among these dear people, many of whom I had met only last year at the denominational conference in Marion, Indiana.

An Eager Book Buyer

An Eager Book Buyer

I particularly enjoyed meeting Jerry Porter, who recently retired from being CEO of a local hospital; he certainly has a great deal of wisdom to impart about leadership, time management, and a host of subjects. Then too I was touched by 8-year-old Robert who said to me, “I really agree with you that it is very hard to resist Satan’s temptations; I pray every day to God for help to do that.” Esther managed the book table efficiently; we were encouraged with how many people bought books about or by the Puritans.

Robert (left) and His Friend

Robert (left) and His Friend