I am grateful to Scott Oakland for his interview with me on ReformedCast about A Puritan Theology. We discuss how the book came into being as a collaborative effort with Mark Jones, what “Puritan theology” means as compared to Reformed theology, the divisions of theology, the succinct summary of theology in the Marrow by William Ames (who greatly influenced New England theologians), the importance of a sound covenant theology, the beauty of Christ’s compassion for every believer on earth, and other topics in the book. The podcast is available here.
ReformedCast on A Puritan Theology
February 13, 2013 By
I’ve learned a lot from Scott Oakland’s interviews; having made the pilgrimage to Reformed Christianity, he asks insightful questions for those who are not as far along in their understanding, but who earnestly seek a deeper knowledge. I look forward to hearing this interview, and as I’ve purchased the book I fully expect to read it, though to succeed at doing so with such a volume I will certainly have to set a conscious goal! Dr. Beeke, thanks to you for advancing the Christian faith, and also to both you and Rev. Jones for writing the book.