Archives for February 15, 2013

Righteousness as White as Snow

Mary, My Queen

Mary, My Queen

My wife Mary and I had a great time hiking in the woods behind the seminary several days ago when we got hit with more than a foot of snow. Every twig was covered in pure white. One of the African seminary student wives told us that she never understood the text about our sins being washed away so that we become as white as snow until she came here and saw snow for herself. Praise God for how Christ’s righteousness covers every sin of our lives with unspeakably white purity.

I was able to make it—though barely—the following morning through two snowy flights to serve the Heritage Reformed Church in Hull, Iowa. On the way out, I had a wonderful opportunity to evangelize a man on the plane, whose wife left him last week. He wanted to know everything about the gospel—it seemed almost too good to be true. I sent him some books and he has already responded asking for more advice.

It was a bit nostalgic preaching in Hull again, as many of these people were part of my first congregation, back in the 1970s. How we have all aged! But, much more importantly, many of these dear friends have come to know the Lord savingly in those intervening years. Soli Deo Gloria!

On the previous evening, I gave a power point presentation on the seminary to a few dozen interested friends. After my time in Hull, I spoke at a ministers’ conference on what Puritan pastors would say to modern pastors today. The message included matters both challenging and comforting, I trust.