Last Saturday, my wife and I drove with our daughter Lydia to Ontario. That evening we gathered with a few dozen of our Beeke relatives—including our precious 5-year-old Victoria. Despite the condition of her legs, we were amazed at how fast and energetically she was walking, albeit with a limp. It was a great joy not only to see her, but also to hear from her parents, Jen and Gerald, how the Lord is sanctifying her affliction to her. Of the many stories we heard, here are the three most memorable comments I recall her saying to her mother:
1) Reflecting on a Buddhist boy who was in the Toronto hospital with her, Victoria said, “Mommy, I would rather have all my owies and God than have no owies and no God.”
2) Once she said reflectively, “All these owies are OK, Mommy. Jesus had owies much worse than mine, and He did nothing wrong but I have sinned my whole life.”
3) “Will my legs be shiney all the time?” she once asked her mother. “What do you mean, Tori?” Jen replied. She said, “I mean, will my legs be shiney for Jesus?”
Very touching words from such a young child. She is richly blessed.