Burgessville, Ontario

On Sunday, I preached twice on the preciousness of Jesus Christ—“precious blood” and “precious offices”—for the Burgessville, Ontario Heritage Reformed Congregation, and administered the Lord’s Supper in the morning. Four new communicants attended. That evening, I had a wonderful meeting with 25 young adults, who are studying The Pilgrim’s Progress. Their spiritual astuteness and maturity were most encouraging.

Oxford Reformed Christian School

Oxford Reformed Christian School

The following morning I gave a chapel message on following God fully (Num. 14:24) to 220 K–12 students at the Oxford Reformed Christian School in Oxford County, Ontario. We then went to the Woodstock, Ontario hospital to visit the father of one of our Grand Rapids church members who recently suffered a stroke. He poured out his soul to us about how the Lord converted him two years ago. It was good to be there.

We also had a great time with our hosts, Andre and Shelly Timmerman (Shelly is one of my newly married nieces), and a wonderful meal of fellowship with Jason and Heather Beeke and their children (Jason is my nephew). I also had an opportunity to evangelize a dear couple and to pastor another couple who recently loss their first-born child. This was a special weekend indeed— the worship and service of God and the fellowship of the saints are such a delight!

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