A Puritan Theology

1500 copies of A Puritan Theology going to Ligonier

1500 copies of A Puritan Theology going to Ligonier

A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life continues to sell well. Today we shipped out 1500 copies to Ligonier for their February conference where Dr. Mark Jones and I will be speaking about our book. Also, today we were able to send to the printer a 200-page paperback,  Encouragements for Today’s Pastors: Help from the Puritans, coauthored by Terry Slachter and myself. It should be available by mid-January.

Tomorrow I’m heading to Ontario with my wife Mary and daughter Lydia where we hope to see Victoria and dozens of extended family members, then preach in Burgessville on Sunday.


  1. Dr. Beeke, Thank you for writing A Puritan Theology. I am reading it with my sons, ages 16 and 11. We do one chapter a week. We all read the chapter first, then get together to discuss. We reviewed chapter 4 this afternoon on Stephen Charnock and the Attributes of God. Next week is the Trinity. We are enjoying it so far, and I expect this is going to help each of us grow in our Christian walk. This is a great blessing to us.

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