Last week I had an opportunity to counsel a dear couple in Ontario who recently lost a child. Afterwards, they asked me to write out the thoughts I gave them that God could use to comfort them. Perhaps these can be of help to others as well:
- Think of the eternal destiny of your child. By God’s grace, the child will not return to you, but you will return to the child.
- Consider all the sin that your child was spared from by being taken home at a very young age.
- Consider how this affliction matures you. We learn more in adversity than in prosperity.
- You will be able to comfort others better when you go through deep ways.
- Deep afflictions such as this can greatly strengthen the love between you as husband and wife.
- You will appreciate future children far more than others who have never faced heavy afflictions in child-bearing.
- You will learn submission far better than those who don’t face such trials. Remember what Luther said: “Letting God be God is more than half of all true religion.”
- You learn to walk more by faith and less by sight, which brings great glory to God.
- You learn to be more weaned from this world more.
- You learn to be more conformed to Christ.