Update on Victoria DeHaan

Victoria has now gone through three surgeries, all of which have gone as well as can be expected considering her critical condition. The last surgery was for restoring muscle in her legs; time will tell whether or not that is ultimately successful. At present, there is hope that eventually she may be able to walk again. Tomorrow she undergoes her first surgery for skin grafting. Pray that that may go well.

Victoria is still battling low grade fevers and infections, but neither are beyond what is expected for someone in her condition. All in all, we are grateful to be able to report that, though she is still in critical condition, there is some progress. Keep praying with us that there will be no major setbacks.

One nice bonus of God’s tender lovingkindness is that the dogs did no damage to her face. Another bonus was that about 3:00 a.m. on Sunday morning she came out of her sedation long enough to be able to mouth the words “mommy” and “daddy” to the great joy of her parents, Jen and Gerald. For now, however, she needs to continue to be under heavy sedation.

Both the immediate and extended family are profoundly grateful for the thousands of prayers being offered up for Victoria and covet their continuation.


  1. Kim Fear

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you Victoria and Mom and Dad, stay strong. Keep the Faith.

  2. David Molnar

    We’re praying for you Tori, Gerald and Jen. Tori – get well soon!!

    Your friends at Brigadoon

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