Two Joys Today

1. Someone once asked me, “Besides preaching, what is your favorite thing to do in the ministry?” I responded immediately, “Elementary and high school chapels.” Today I got to lead chapels for the 500th time in my life—both the elementary and the high school of our own church schools which have four hundred students from K–12. I spoke about Abraham offering up his son Isaac, pointing to Christ as the greater Isaac who bore the real sacrifice. What a delight it is to bring the gospel to children and young people!

2. Once week ago today A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life by Mark Jones and myself was printed (4,000 copies). To our surprise, nearly all of those copies have been sold, so today we ordered another 4,000 copies. It excites both of us as authors to know that so many people are interested in reading Puritan theology. You can order your copy here.


  1. P M

    First sermon in Persian!

    Dear Dr Beeke,

    For your encouragement I thought to write and point out that we have translated and today published online one of your sermons into Persian/Farsi: “How does God save sinners?”. You preached this at the Metropolitan Tabernacle earlier this year. It is uploaded onto our Persian ministry website and can be seen here:

    Of course it is in Persian and so will be difficult for English-speakers to read it. But already it is being accessed by many people from Iran. We pray and hope that the other book which we discussed on your visit to the Netherlands will also become available in Persian.

    May the Lord richly bless His truth for His glory.

  2. Diane

    Dr. Beeke,

    We homeschool, but you speak in our “chapel,” too, every Thursday via Sermon Audio. Thank you for your ministry!

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