Attached please find a letter from my wife Mary about our recent conferences and itinerary in Brazil, together with a number of pictures. You’ll enjoy reading about how God is growing His church there. One conference alone had 2400 attendees.
Please pray for me as I get ready to fly to Asheville, North Carolina on Thursday to speak twice on evangelism at the NCFIC Conference. I hope to speak on Puritan evangelism and on evangelism in the home. Approximately 2100 people have pre-registered. Other speakers include Paul Washer, Scott Brown, and Doug Phillips.
I fear you are being stretched too thin. Your travel, your own devotional life, your administrative duties, your sermon preparation…and even your family life all have to fit into a 24 hour day! Many like you accomplish amazing things, but I do fear for skimping on spending time in prayer and personal study of Scripture.