Victoria had surgery yesterday to remove some of the tissue that the physicians had repaired in her most severely injured leg. Happily, the surgeon didn’t have to take away as much tissue as he thought. Victoria’s fever is still a problem, however; please pray that her fever would be kept under control. The doctors are not sure of the cause of this fever.
They will evaluate her situation on Friday, so as to decide whether more surgery is necessary on her leg. If this assessment is encouraging, they may start skin grafting. If things deteriorate, they may have to put a vacuum into her leg which would help fight the bacteria and also promote healthy tissue. The only concern would be that this may aggravate the main artery which they have repaired.
Although Victoria has come a long way, by God’s grace, there are still many hurdles to overcome, all of which depend on our heavenly Physician’s hands. Continue to storm the throne of grace for this precious little life, for her dear parents, Jen and Gerald, and also for the glorification of God’s name and the advance of God’s kingdom through these events.