Update on Victoria DeHaan (V)

Update on Victoria

Good news! Victoria is now more alert and interacts with every visitor. What she says makes perfect sense; she has something fitting to say to everyone. Nevertheless, she remains very uncomfortable and is on heavy pain meds. This morning she is scheduled for surgery in which physicians will use a vacuum sponge that is supposed to suck out infection and promote healthy tissue growth. Please pray with us that the infection may be controlled and that this procedure may work and be helpful. Pray, too, that Victoria may be less agitated and remain calm.


Bible Doctrine Class

Here is a picture of the Bible Doctrine class attendees who I teach on most Thursday evenings from September through April. I thoroughly enjoy walking through Reformed doctrine with them.


A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life

The first printing of A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life (4,000 copies) nearly sold out in a week. Today Reformation Heritage Books placed an order for 6,000 more. Hopefully, they will arrive November 9.

A Puritan Theology

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