Archives for October 23, 2012

Recent Trip to Brazil and Forthcoming Trip to North Carolina

Attached please find a letter from my wife Mary about our recent conferences and itinerary in Brazil, together with a number of pictures. You’ll enjoy reading about how God is growing His church there. One conference alone had 2400 attendees.

Please pray for me as I get ready to fly to Asheville, North Carolina on Thursday to speak twice on evangelism at the NCFIC Conference. I hope to speak on Puritan evangelism and on evangelism in the home. Approximately 2100 people have pre-registered. Other speakers include Paul Washer, Scott Brown, and Doug Phillips.

Update on Victoria (VII)

Victoria is now out of the ICU. Her parents are now able to be with her around the clock. On Sunday they were able to get her in a wheelchair for some time and she was able to go into the atrium. From her floor in the hospital there is lots to see and she had lots of questions.

Yesterday the surgeon put in a new vacuum to clean out Victoria’s major wound and infection. The surgeon was happier with how things went and looked than previously; he did have to cut away a little tissue but not as much as on Friday. Thursday or Friday of this week, this procedure will have to be done again. Victoria does experience considerable pain and discomfort which is hard on her parents and family. Please continue to pray with us that the pain would be controlled and that her fever would not return. And thank the Lord for the progress that has been made.