Archives for October 18, 2012

King James Version Study Bible

Reformation Heritage Books is excited to announce the planned publication of a new study Bible. Amid the vast array of study Bibles written in the past century, there has not been a single Study Bible using the beloved and trusted King James Version written from a sound Reformed perspective. The KJV Study Bible for Personal and Family Worship (KJVSB) will promote the preservation and use of the KJV while leading the reader into a deeper and richer understanding of the Word of God.

One of its unique strengths will be its focus on personal and family worship. Each book will begin with an introduction that will give not only a clear synopsis of the book, but also will explain how the book fits in the redemptive history of Scripture. In addition to highlighting key interpretational issues and explaining archaic words, the KJVSB will strongly emphasize the application of the Scripture to the heart and life. This “head-heart-hand” focus will speak to both the intellectual as well as the experiential needs of the reader. Unique to the KJVSB are the recommendations and pointers for personal and family worship at the conclusion of every chapter.

For more information on this project and how you can help, please see the KJV Study Bible ad.

Update on Victoria DeHaan (IV)

Happily, there is some good news to report concerning Victoria’s condition. Her fever has dissipated and her breathing tube has been removed. Victoria is breathing on her own again. Soli Deo Gloria!

Victoria is less sedated now, but she is very restless and experiencing considerable discomfort due to itching. She has spoken some words and even asked for “chocolate cereal”! Her bad leg is still oozing; the dressing must be changed frequently. The doctors are still going to access the situation on Friday and determine then when to do the needed skin grafting. She does experience pain as well and they have administered a different pain medication as her body was getting accustomed to the pain meds she was on.

Please pray that Victoria would be able to bear this pain and pray especially for her parents as they witness her pain. “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord” (Ps. 27:14).