Overwhelmed with the Goodness of God

I helped my son Calvin move two pieces of antique furniture that he and his fiancée purchased at a flea market today into their newly purchased home. Great fun, though I must confess that ever since he got engaged to Laura (which is great!), I have felt considerably older. But, as the Koreans would say, that is a good and honorable thing! Actually, I am overwhelmed with the goodness of God in bringing such a special young lady into my son’s life and into our family. How can we overestimate the importance of who our children marry?


  1. Mike Mathis

    Congratulations dear brother! God is good always but it’s certainly nice to see His hand so visibly at work in the lives of those we love. Perhaps God will provide grandchildren in the near future and then we’ll see how old you feel!

  2. Johanna Arnoldussen

    Don’t feel bad: I already have a grand child married and I’m only about 2 years older!!!
    I’m getting ‘teased’ now about great grandchildren, but then I was told: don’t worry: you’ll be Great and Grand!!! Just a bunch of big blessings!!!
    Congratulations! You’ll enjoy this season of your life!!!

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