Camp Michawana, Michigan

The last few days the Free Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan have been holding their family camp at beautiful Camp Michawana, about a one hour drive from Grand Rapids. I gave two addresses there—one on “Lessons for Marriage” and one on “Lessons for Child-rearing,” drawing from Ephesians 5 and 6, the Puritans, and my own experience.

Other speakers included Russell Herman, a third year student at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, who spoke on “My Brother’s Keeper” and “Soul-Mate Friendship,” and Rev. Mark Kelderman, newly appointed Dean of Students and Spiritual Formation at PRTS, who spoke on “The Essential Union”—that is, the union between Christ and His bride.

About 150 parents and children attended, and gave their full attention to the addresses. They also asked great questions during the Q&A time. A happy, content, God-fearing atmosphere pervaded the camp.

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