Archives for June 2012

Doctrine for Life

A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for LifeNot doctrine and life, like two fish swimming in separate streams. Not doctrine or life, as if we must choose between dead orthodoxy or mindless activity. Doctrine for life. As our Lord said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:31). That’s the goal.

I wear several different hats. I’m the President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. I am the editorial director for Reformation Heritage Books. I serve as a pastor at Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My goal in life is to promote intelligent, Reformed piety (to borrow a phrase from John Murray). I intend to use this blog to do just that, to seek the coming of God’s kingdom to head, heart, and hands. Hence the title of  this blog, Doctrine for Life.

The Puritans excelled in applying truth to our lives. William Ames wrote almost four centuries ago, “Theology is the doctrine of living to God” (Theologia est doctrina Deo vivendi). From the days of John Calvin, godliness or piety has been the lifeblood of Reformed Christianity. Truth comes down from heaven like rain upon us, and we spring up like trees reaching for the skies, reaching for God in practical, daily holiness.

The title of the blog coincides with the subtitle of a book that has gladly consumed a great deal of my time lately. Co-authored with Dr. Mark Jones, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life, is the first attempt to provide a systematic theology of Puritan doctrine. It covers sixty areas where the Puritans made significant contributions to Reformed theology, organized by the six traditional loci of the doctrines of God, man, Christ, salvation, church, and the end of the age. It concludes with eight chapters on how the Puritans put their theology into practice.

I am excited to report that today we have just sent this 1000+ page book away to have it indexed. It’s hard to believe that this project is finally coming to an end. We hope that it will be released in October. You can pre-order the $60 book at a discount rate of $40 if you call Reformation Heritage Books at 616-977-0599.

Early tomorrow morning I’ll be leaving for London, England. I’ll be doing a conference on Saturday the Evangelical Reformed Church, an all black church in the heart of London. Then on Sunday, God willing, I’ll preach for Dr. Peter Masters at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in the morning and evening (often called Spurgeon’s church or Met Tab). From Tuesday to Thursday I hope to attend and speak four times on sanctification at the Met Tab School of Theology.

I’ll be posting regularly on this blog about my conference experiences.

Welcome to my blog! Please pray that my posts will glorify God, help God’s people to grow, and be used to the salvation of the lost.